
Open Go Program for iPhone, iPod and iPad

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EasyGo - QiQi Studios

Welcome to the homepage of EasyGo.

If you already bought EasyGo, You can check the FAQ, help file and leave your comments or feedback on the support page.

If you are new to EasyGo, You can see the features page and the help file, also screenshots might be helpful to you.

Aug. 19, 2016: Version 1.9 was just released, Now you can transfer games to EasyGo via WiFi, import TYGEM .gib games, and even download TYGEM user games directly within the app, and there are some enhancements on tag management. Please see change log for details.

Jan. 8, 2016: Version 1.8 was just released.  Now you can print problems in batch, and upload games, problems to EasyGo server to share with other users. Please see change log for details.

Feb. 27, 2015: Version 1.7.2 was just released. Now introduces a new Joseki mode, and added 32 common invasion Joseki problems. Please see change log for details.

Nov. 4, 2014: Version 1.7.1 was just released. Now supports iOS 8, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus, please see  change log for details. 

Mar. 13, 2014: Version 1.7 was just released.  Now supports Tags, Fuseki search, please see  change log for details.

Sep. 20, 2013: Version 1.6 was just released.  Now iOS 7 style on iOS7, please see change log for details.

Jul. 1, 2013: Version 1.5 was just released. Please see change log for details.  V1.5 introduces a problem test mode, and the previous problem test is now called problem practice. In the new problem test mode, you can take standard test(20 problems in 10 minutes) or custom test, in which you can customize the total problem number, test time. During problem test, the restart, try, show solution button are all disabled. The standard tests for the bundled problems are integrated with game center leaderboard.  Test history is saved automatically. And you can review all the problems answered incorrectly in any test later. Please see the help file for more info.

Feb. 14, 2013:  Version 1.4 was just released! Please see change log for details. Now supports spaced repetition study(more info: html, pdf).

Apr. 4, 2012:  A review article was published on whatsoniphone.com, please check it out.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 August 2021 11:24


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EasyGo is a multi-function go software designed to help you improve your go skills and enjoy the go game.

Extensive problems bundled

EasyGo has total 2368 problems bundled ranging from basics, life and death, tesuji and endgame. And the 893 problems on life and death have extensive variations built in to respond to all of your possible moves.

And more variations for the basics and tesuji problems will be added in future versions.

Basics part covers essential go tactics including Atari, double Atari, connection, cut, ko, ladder, oiotoshi, squeeze, wedge, capturing race, and life and death.

A lot of ways to study problems

Problem Practice

Sort problems by total tried times, wrong times, and win rate or shuffle problems, then practice problems sequentially. Supports show hint or solution, try, bookmark system problem to user library. If the opponents have multiple variations, you can tap the alternate move mark to switch to that variation.

Problem Test

Take standard test(20 problems in 10 minutes) or custom test, in which you can customize the total problem number, test time. During problem test, the restart, try, show solution button are all disabled. The standard tests for the bundled problems are integrated with game center leaderboard. Test history is saved automatically. And you can review all the problems answered incorrectly in any test later.

Spaced Repetition Study

EasyGo includes a spaced repetition system (SRS) to help you study go problems more effectively. Basically, it works like this: you are shown a problem and you choose “Fail”, “Hard”, or “Easy” according to how well you know it. The system will then automatically present the problem again for review in the future. That is, EasyGo works like a flashcard application.

Game record browse/edit/replay

EasyGo is also a SGF editor, supporting most of commonly used SGF FF4 properties, and features a node tree view and variation table view. You can use EasyGo to record your own games or replay games, create your own problems, and switch to problem mode to test at anytime. Two finger tap to toggle between edit and replay mode. In replay mode, you can tap the left and right part of the board to go backward and forward.

Easy import/Export

2000+ bundled problems are not enough for you? And you have plenty of SGF games/problems at hand, but haven’t found an app for iPhone/iPad to import them easily? Then EasyGo is right for you. You can zip all your SGF files and transfer to EasyGo via iTunes file sharing. EasyGo will maintain the original folder structures in the zip file. You can also download SGF/ZIP files from mobile Safari right on your iDevice and import to EasyGo easily. Mail attachment can also be imported to EasyGo. EasyGo will be installed to handle SGF/ZIP files, and can import files from any mobile app(such as Dropbox, Goodreader) supporting Open-In.

EasyGo also has a built-in browser to help you download and open SGF game files. Tap a SGF link in any web page to download and open the game automatically. Auto open can also be turned off, then you can tap multiple SGF links quickly and the downloads will occur in the background.

More features:

  • Supports browse your games/problems in list or grid view.

  • Auto detect problems and normal games.

  • Sort problems by total try times, wrong times, and win rate, Sort games by black name, white name, game date, game name, etc.

  • Shuffle games or problems

  • Auto rotate and swap colors for problem practice and problem test

  • Bookmark system problem to user library.

  • Share problem by email(board image only for system problems right now)

  • Supports display node variation tree, supports comment edit, add black, add white, add triangle, square, remove node tree, insert node, etc.

  • Supports multi-part SGF file

  • Split a game to multiple games based on variations

  • Create a problem by crop part of the current board position

  • Rotate and flip game

  • Switch to problem test mode during edit

  • Auto replay, speed can be adjusted by tap left, right part of the board.

  • Two finger swipe to toggle full screen mode(iPhone and iPad full screen landscape mode only)

  • Two layouts for full screen landscape mode on iPad

  • Organize by folders, supports batch edit: move, copy, delete, mail, export to iTunes folder, You can reorder the games by drag the standard iOS order control.

  • Supports drag and drop to adjust different views, pinch in the comment view to adjust font

  • Two finger swipe left or right to switch between recently opened games

  • Built in file manager, easily browse iTunes share folder, import sgf, zip files, email files.

  • Supports handling zip file from other applications(such as Mail, Dropbox, Goodreader) to EasyGo for easy importing

  • Import game by pasting SGF data from clipboard

  • Export a single game to other applications via Open In. Export multiple games or folders to a zip file, which can be emailed or handled to other applications(such as Dropbox) via Open In.

  • Multi user support, view global problem test statistics and per folder problem test statistics

  • Choose 12 built in board background images and two stone textures. Custom board background image and stone textures are also supported.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 July 2013 00:03


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Currently, you can send email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for support and feedback, I'll do my best to respond to your queries in time. You can also email inside the app through Settings.

Also you can leave comments here, I'll responds to you ASAP.



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  1. How to add my own game files?

    You can add game files via iTunes share folder, or via Open In. For example you can send sgf or zip files as email attachment in the email app on iPhone, long tap the attachment to import games. Or upload files to Dropbox, and in Dropbox app, handle the file to EasyGo via Open In.

  2. How to backup the games under "My Games"?

    You can export them to a zip file, then in file manager, choose email to send the zip file as email attachment or choose "Open In" to transfer the zip file to other applications such as Dropbox for backup.

    Currently, other data such as problem statistics can’t be backed up by above method. You can rely on the iTunes backup or iCloud backup to backup all the device data.

  3. How about Dropbox integration?

    Currently if you have Dropbox app installed on your device, it’s easy to transfer sgf/zip files between Dropbox and EasyGo via "Open In". Please see import, export sections for details.

  4. Any gestures supported?

    • In problem practice/test view or game edit/replay view, you can two finger pinch the board to zoom in and out.

    • Two finger tap to toggle between edit and replay mode in game view.

    • Tap in the left or right part of the board to go backward or forward in replay mode or adjust speed in auto replay mode.

    • In game mode, two finger swipe up to hide the status bar and navigation bar, swipe up again to hide toolbar also. Swipe down to restore. (for iPhone/iPod touch and iPad landscape full screen mode only)

    • In game mode, two finger swipe left/right to switch between recently opened games.

    • Two finger pinch the comment view to adjust the font size.

    • On iPad landscape mode, two finger tap on the tree view to open full screen board view. Two finger tap on the tree view to toggle between two layouts.

    • In game mode, Long tap a stone in the board, will directly jump to the position where that move is the current move.

    • In problem practice mode, long tap an alternate mark(solid blue rectangle) to switch variation.

    • In problem practice mode, long tap the hint to button to show solution automatically.

  5. Why some asian characters are unreadable?

    The most common reason is that there is no encoding specified in the game file, you can configure the default encoding in global options.

  6. Some zip files can’t be imported

    May due to:

    • the file is encrypted

    • the file might be created using winzip and a non portable compression level was selected

    • The encoding of the file names in the zip file is not compatible with the current default encoding. Please configure the default encoding in global options.

  7. How to setup a problem with multiple correct variations?

    The first variation will be always treated as the solution. If there are other variations which is also the solution, please add the word “right” in the comment of the last node of the variation.(right is case insensitive)

  8. EasyGo is not shown in the Open In menu for sgf/zip file?

    iOS prior to V6.0 only supports up to ten applications shown in the list, workaround is to remove some apps you don’t need.

  9. Is it possible to configure custom board background and stone images?

    Yes, you can add your own board background, stone texture image files via iTunes file sharing, only PNG format supported, the file name should be as board01.png, board02.png, blackstone01.png, whitestone01.png, etc. (file name is case sensitive)

Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 July 2013 10:26

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